tags 2

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Klik de "Hint" knop om je een letter te geven als je problemen hebt met een antwoord.
Let wel !! Je percentage zal wel naar beneden gaan als je de "Hint" knop gebruikt !!

Peter broke this vase, ?
I saw Billy last night, ?
She doesn't want to go out, ?
Those earphones are mine, ?
Muriel hasn't stolen my packed lunch, ?
I prefer this tie. I don't like the other one , ?
She sells fruit and vegetables, ?
She wrote a letter about his funny remarks, ?
We're not waiting for Cyril and Angie , ?
Your son is playing with my bracelet, ?
This bicycle doesn't belong to Carmen, ?
He shook hands with his new teacher, ?
I wasn't listening to a pop concert, ?
I got it from my girlfriend, ?
They aren't staying with their uncle and aunt, ?
Let's go digital !